As we emerge from sugar season, I thought this would be a great time to revisit a very popular episode I did with Dr. Natasha Beck, lovingly known as Dr. Organic Mommy. With obesity skyrocketing in kids and adults, what are some simple swaps and better food choices we can make to improve our physical and mental health? There are loads of meal suggestions and cleaner packaged food options for kids that Dr. Beck shares in this one!
How to Avoid Stress Buildup & Dysregulation in Kids & Ourselves
My guest this week is Jason Campbell and this episode I am having him back to discuss how to avoid stress buildup and dysregulation in kids and ourselves (especially during tough times) by learning how to create more space in your life–and I don’t just mean physical space–we’re talking about the space we need in our minds, thoughts, feelings, bodies, and the environment around us. We explore many practical approaches, including a simple 3 minute breathing exercise you can do anytime you need a quick, effective reset!
How to Get the Education & Help at School Your Child Needs
My guest this week is Dr. Courtney Kowalczyk and we are discussing a topic that I get asked about most, school! Specifically about getting the education and help at school your child needs. Issues can arise with kids of all ages, especially when a child has extra challenges that impact their learning or behavior. The school environment can be a tough thing to navigate, so Dr. Courtney is the perfect expert to share her professional and personal experience, insights, and tips to help your child get the best education and educational setting for their needs.
Systems are Failing Parents of Kids w Mental Health Challenges
My guest this week is Cheryl Cardall, and we are talking about an issue that isn’t covered or supported enough: the current systems are failing parents who are raising kids with mental health challenges and the immense struggle parents often face when trying to get them the help they need. This conversation will help to shine some light on this topic so we can become more aware of these real lived experiences parents raising kids with extra challenges face and how we can start to develop and provide more effective support systems of care that actually meet the needs, and mental health needs, of these individuals, the parents, and families.
How To Be Less Reactive And More Calm And Regulated With Your Children
As the most downloaded episode to date, and as a prelude to part 2 that will be airing soon, I wanted to rerelease my episode with Jason Campbell. If you tuned in the first time, I encourage you to re-listen! The techniques we discuss are by far some of the most important things we can do to support our kids and ourselves, especially when we are experiencing significant stressors and challenges with our kids or in any other part of our life. As we all know, it can be hard to keep your cool when your child is in the midst of big emotions and challenging behaviors. And stay to the end and try the 5 minute meditation to help you reset and refocus.
Untold Side Effects of Psychiatric Medications for Children
My guest this week is Lynn Cunningham and we are talking about psychiatric medications and the information that doesn’t often get shared in either the doctor’s office or in mainstream media about the concerning impact of these drugs both temporarily and permanently on some children, teens, and adults. This episode is about educating on risks, not anti-medication, then making the best decisions. Let’s discuss some of these negative impacts, what true informed consent is, and tips (including weaning off) to help you navigate if medication your physician is prescribing is right for your child.
Happier & Healthier—How to Declutter Our Lives & Environment
My guest this week is Allie Casazza we discuss how to declutter our lives and environment so we can be happier and healthier. Research shows our physical environment plays a huge role in how we feel and function, and that includes how our kids feel and function too. Let’s explore how to declutter our lives and environment with practical and doable tips, where to start, and how to navigate resistance and obstacles!
The Holistic Psychologist on Mental Health, Kids & Parenting
My guest this week is Dr. Nicole LePera, The Holistic Psychologist, and we are diving into our personal and professional experiences on three of our favorite topics: mental health, kids, and parenting. We talk about how we’ve come to understand mental health diagnoses and treatment differently over time, what we need to do to improve mental health for ourselves and our children, how we can be better parents to our kids and ourselves, the concept of reparenting, and much more!
Teen Whisperer: Tips for Communicating & Parenting Teens
My guest this week is Kirsten Cobabe and we are talking about parenting teens. Parenting teens and tweens can be tough developmental phases for parents, caregivers and kids. How can you best support them while having a strong relationship? Let’s explore what makes adolescents at this age tick, the ways we might be misunderstanding what’s happening for them even when we have the best intentions, how we can best connect and communicate with them, and lots more helpful tips for parenting teens with Teen Whisperer, Kirsten Cobabe.
Using Neuroplasticity to Manage Anxiety in Kids & Adults
My guest this week is Dr. Wendy Suzuki and we are talking about managing anxiety. We’ve talked about anxiety in various ways on the show previously. But today, I want to take a bit of a different approach. Believe it or not, anxiety is important for us to experience, and what we do with our anxiety, and what we teach our kids to do, can make all the difference between progressing and thriving, or getting stuck and feeling helpless. Let’s dive in to discuss the importance of neuroplasticity, why anxiety can be healthy, and how to manage anxiety in kids and adults.
The Type of Discipline Kids Want and Need
My guest this week is Sarah Moore, and we discuss the discipline kids want and need. Now the word discipline can bring up all kinds of thoughts and feelings for parents, often based on our own childhood experiences, beliefs, or things we’ve read about kids and parenting. The reality is, that all kids need discipline. It’s important to understand that discipline really means teaching and guiding, not punishment, spanking, etc. Expert, Sarah Moore, is back on the show to help teach a new way of understanding discipline that is helpful and healthier.
The Power of Music & Music Therapy for Children
My guest this week is Ryan Judd, and we are talking about the power of music for children, and how music therapy specifically can help kids with a wide range of challenges. The benefits reach far beyond behavior regulation, stress reduction, and communication for all ages. What I love about all of this is it’s so easy to access, it can benefit everyone, and it’s often free. So whether or not you’ve explored the benefits of music or music therapy for your children, I think you’re going to love this conversation with award-winning recording artist and music therapist Ryan Judd.
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